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2025 MAER Speaker Line-up


DB Central Pre-Conference Information Coming Soon!


Thursday, April 24, 2025


Harness the Power of Leadership (Keynote)

Harness the Power of Leadership is a program of communication. The way in which we communicate with our leader dogs is the exact way to communicate with a client, employee, student or peer. Using years of managerial experience, through demonstration and lecture, Jeff will show the power of meaningful communication.

Presented by Jeff Hawkins


AI Tools That Transform Student Needs and Save Teacher’s Sanity 

Discover AI (Artificial Intelligence) tools that support teachers in creating accessible lessons, writing reports, adapting materials for diverse needs, and developing IEP goals. This session offers practical strategies to streamline tasks, enhance student support, and help teachers balance workload while meeting individual student needs.

Presented by Patty Killey

Changes to the built environment: Updates and challenges 

This presentation will review how the built environment has grown increasingly complex, what the adoption of PROWAG means for accessibility, and current challenges in developments of the built environment.

Presented by Robert S Wall Emerson

Diagnosis to Independence: The Evolving Service Needs for Adults with Vision Loss 

This session aims to explore how the most suitable types of adult blind rehabilitation services change and evolve throughout a person’s journey from diagnosis to independence. To guide this discussion, the presenter will use survey data collected from 436 adults with vision loss, and 115 blind rehabilitation professionals.

Presented by Kristy Plesscher

Into the Woods – Making Nature Accessible with People with Disabilities

There is more to hiking than getting somewhere. Standing on a trail has benefits – listening to birds, the breeze, a brook. But it can also be tactile. What doesn’t work is “look, the columbine is in bloom!”. We will show how accessible nature can be to people with disabilities.

Presented by Gwen Botting and Aric Wallace


Vendor Highlights 

Hear from each of our vendors about their products and services, so you know about them before visiting their tables in the vendor exhibit area!


A New Vision for Center-Based Programming: Building Capacity and Empowering Teachers using Accommodative Supports

Kent ISD is improving student outcomes and transforming how vision support services are provided within center-based programming. Balancing direct service, increasing accommodative supports, and integrating BVI equipment, tools, and strategies are just some of the ways we are building capacity among staff and increasing student success.

Presented by Joanne Hewartson and Khristine Marquoit

Orientation & Mobility Severity Rating Scales (O&MSRS) Under Construction

The Orientation and Mobility Severity Rating Scale (O&MSRS) provides guidance to support consistency in determining service delivery for O&M students. MDE-LIO and stakeholders have been working to revise the documents. Join us to learn about the revised document and how you can get involved!

Presented by Dr. Amanda English, Sara Cruchelow, Margaret Winn, and Anne Zanger

Fitness for the Blind by ReVision Training LLC

Attaining fitness can be challenging for anyone, but add in a visual impairment, and access to fitness can drop off precipitously. Join Tyler Merren, 5 Time Paralympic Athlete, Personal Trainer, and creator of ReVision Fitness – The Audio Fitness App, for a workshop to demonstrate techniques and technologies designed to bridge the gap between the blind community and fitness.

Presented by Tyler Merren

The Critical Role of the Supporter: O&M Support for Learners 

Having support is crucial to the growth of independent travel skills. Participants will learn about a model being used to upskill supporters of high school aged learners. Participants will learn about the application process for this program as well as hear about experience-based approaches, observations, and other lessons learned. Participants should be prepared to engage in discussion on ideas to engage their student’s supporters in their independent travel skills.

Presented by Hannah Jones and Brad Welling


Exploring Curriculum Through Active Learning

Active learning, an innovative approach developed by Dr. Lilli Nielsen has reshaped educational programming – motivating and empowering those with multiple disabilities to be engaged by their environment. Learn simple ideas that foster access to the standard and expanded core curriculums at developmentally appropriate levels through lecture and videos. 

Presented by Kirstyn Martino, CTRS

Canes & Tips: Let’s Review and See What’s New!

In this show-and-tell session, we’ll talk canes and tips–both the tried-and-true and the latest innovations. We’ll review materials, prices and options for purchase and storage. We’ll ask for audience participation as we consider variables that go into the decision: Which cane? How long? Which tip? And what about an AMD? 

Presented by Rikilynn Layher, Sara Cruchelow and Anne Zanger

Not a Ninja – Visible & Effective: Advocating in Education for Vision Loss

Have you been called “that guy who takes _____ for walks”? Or had a principal ask your name – in February? How does TVI/O&M visibility impact student needs? This session will explain and demonstrate tools that have improved understanding for administrators, fellow-educators, and IEP teams. (Aimed at itinerant practitioners.)

Presented by Mysie Sabin

Introduction to the COMET Application – The Comprehensive Orientation and Mobility Evaluation Tool 

Come learn about the new COMET application! The COMET app offers a number of useful features that would be great for any O&M to add to their tool belt. The ultimate goal of COMET is to streamline the evaluation process, giving O&M instructors more time to provide meaningful, data driven instruction. 

Presented by Patrick Draheim


How Does an Intervener Enhance the Services Provided by the IEP Team?

An increasing number of students who are DeafBlind are benefiting from the support of an intervener. Interveners have specialized training and develop trusting relationships with their students. By working with and through the intervener, TCVIs, COMS, and others can enable the DeafBlind student to achieve more educational outcomes. 

Presented by Beth Kennedy

Preparing your Client for Guide Dog Travel 

To become a successful guide dog traveler requires a particular set of O&M skills. Most skills are present in independent travelers; however, some O&M skills may need to be refined and enhanced if a traveler wishes to explore guide dog travel. Participants will learn about essential O&M skills for guide dog travel and the role O&M Specialists play in supporting the development of these crucial skills. 

Presented by Hannah Jones

Developing Transition Assessments for VI Students

Here’s your opportunity to have input into the development of transition assessments designed for our students. Learn about the IEP requirements for assessment of students in transition to adulthood. Find out the pros and cons of currently used assessments. Tell us what you want to know about your own students as they move into adulthood. What could we add to the currently used assessments so they work better to support our students?

Presented by Lydia Schuck and Anne Zanger

O&M with students with CVI

Students with CVI experience challenges with Mobility. The O&M specialist can address those needs and provide effective services. We will look at the issues identified and recommendations from Cristine Roman for intervention and a look at a screening tool designed for O&Ms to use with their students with CVI. 

Presented by Dawn Anderson

Friday April 25, 2025


Enhancing Opportunities in Vision Rehabilitation: Introducing the Certified Vision Rehabilitation Occupational Therapist (CVROT) Certification

This presentation introduces ACVREP’s new Certified Vision Rehabilitation Occupational Therapist (CVROT) certification. It covers certification’s history, requirements, and development process, aimed at ensuring OTs have the specialized skills and knowledge to support individuals with vision impairments while collaborating with other professionals involved in vision rehabilitation. A Q&A session will follow.

Presented by Anne T Riddering, PhD, OTRL, CLVT, COMS ,CFPS 

Barlow Initiative: Traffic Engineering and Orientation and Mobility: Cultivating Collaboration. Workshop – all day 8:00am-4:45pm

*This session is limited to the first 50 participants who sign up for it. Please be sure to note whether you are in or on the waiting list when you sign up in C-Vent.

Transportation Professionals and O&M Specialists will visit intersections in small groups to discuss strategies used by pedestrians with visual disabilities. Participants will have an opportunity to cross streets while blindfolded or using a low-vision simulator. During a follow-up discussion, participants will identify modifications that could make wayfinding easier and/or crossing safer at a few of the targeted intersections. Transportation professionals will share experiences and possible hurdles of meeting access needs of pedestrians with visual disabilities, including time frame and funding options. 

Presented by Jennifer Graham and others determined by the Barlow Initiative Committee


Awareness, Engagement, Retention, Oh My -State Level Efforts

This session will provide updates at the State level and what’s on the horizon for the Michigan Department of Education-Resource for Blind/Low Vision (MDE-RBLV), (Low Incidence Outreach) and their reorganization. Information will be shared on the state’s recruitment efforts with the MDE Multi-State Consortium, and how it is expanding. Learn about the support and mentorship opportunities MDE-RBLV offers to new teachers of students who are blind/low vision and to new orientation and mobility specialist through mentorship with no cost to the district.

Presented by Roxanne Balfour, Collette Bauman, Elizabeth Flores and Lynn Pensari

Barlow Initiative: Traffic Engineering and Orientation and Mobility: Cultivating Collaboration. Workshop – all day 8:00am-4:45pm

The B/VI suicide rate is virtually unknown as data is extremely rare. This two-part presentation provides an informational context that exposes the myths of suicide, reports out suicide stressors and protective factors, and a workshop component developing strategies to address suicide immunization and therapist support when a client suicides.

Presented by Henry J. Tyszka Ph.D. and Stephanie Kastely, Ph.D.

What Not to Do—How to Overcome the Tyranny of the Urgent and do better next time.

The tyranny of the urgent seems to take over when working as a TCVI and O & M. Like the old fashion show “What not to wear!” we have made many funny and not so funny personal blunders. We will be vulnerable, share our best mistakes and what we have learned to improve as professionals in the field of teaching clients with Blindness and Low Vision.

Presented by Nannette DeCook and Jessica Hart


Telling the Whole Story: Building Literacy and Concept Supports that Provide Meaning for our Students with Low VIsion, Blindness, DeafBlindness and Multiple Impairments

Do you ever feel like we have so little time to prepare individuals with visual impairment for a story, a critical lesson, or concept prior to the lesson? If so, then this session is for you. You will see and hear about an organized, and easy way to prepare boxes to enhance literacy instruction, or any kind of instruction. Building boxes to support stories, concepts, and everything in between raises the bar for our students. You will have opportunities to see how they are built, the levels of instruction that occur prior to the teaching of the lesson and observe through video what happens with the students from the first day of preview to the day the story, or concept is introduced. This will be beneficial for all students with visual impairment, regardless of level of vision and across all environments. Working ahead and front loading creates more opportunity for learning for the student and gives the rest of the team working with our students the freedom to TEACH. 

Presented by Julie Unatin

Barlow Initiative: Traffic Engineering and Orientation and Mobility: Cultivating Collaboration. Workshop – all day 8:00am-4:45pm

A Peek into the Relationship between Individuals who are Blind or Visually Impaired, rehabilitation therapists, and suicide. Part II (30 min. lecture, 30 min. workshop)

The B/VI suicide rate is virtually unknown as data is extremely rare. This two-part presentation provides an informational context that exposes the myths of suicide, reports out suicide stressors and protective factors, and a workshop component developing strategies to address suicide immunization and therapist support when a client suicides.

Presented by Henry J. Tyszka Ph.D. and Stephanie Kastely, Ph.D.


Participants will explore the free tactile graphic database, ProBlind, to enrich O&M and TVI lesson planning. They will learn to combine ProBlind graphics with the Tactonom Reader to create audio-tactile graphics, aiding independent student learning and allowing students to preview and review travel routes for enhanced self-sufficiency in O&M tasks.

Presented by Maura Guimon-Warren and Rosemary Nave Stawasz


Creating Accessible Materials for Students Who Are Blind or Low Vision

The audience will learn how to generate interactive classroom materials for students produced in a digital format. The demonstrations will include different applications incorporating a variety of content creation tools to create worksheets for low vision, screen reading, Augmentative and Alternative Communication and switch users. 

Presented by Ann McKay-Bacon

Barlow Initiative: Traffic Engineering and Orientation and Mobility: Cultivating Collaboration. Workshop – all day 8:00am-4:45pm 

Representation in children’s literature is essential to childhood learning and development. In this session, you will learn what families, educators, and service providers can do to support the holistic social and emotional development of children with visual impairments through access to diverse literature. 

Presented by Jessica Kusku and Amanda Hercula

Next-Gen BTBL: New Features and Updates Unveiled

Learn what’s new at the Braille and Talking Book Library! Review will include the new DA2 player, BARD smart speaker skill, BARD Express on desktops, and eReader refreshable braille display, as well as a brief overview of parental and institutional acknowledgement forms required for BTBL service. 

Presented by Stephanie Wambaugh and Panel of others from BTBL


Navigating the World of Ocular Motor, Session 1 

When Michigan Administrative Rules for Special Education expanded to encompass more than acuity and visual field, TVIs were faced with increased questions related to ocular motor. This session will discuss how MARSE rules address ocular motor conditions, what diagnoses/behaviors are commonly related to ocular motor difficulties, and how to include ocular motor testing in your functional vision evaluation. 

Presented by Sarah Stargardt and Sally Perry

Barlow Initiative: Traffic Engineering and Orientation and Mobility: Cultivating Collaboration. Workshop – all day 8:00am-4:45pm

LOW Vision Therapy, HIGH Impact: Essentials for the blind rehabilitation specialist (Part I) 

Abstract: Part I: Lecture (60min) Blind Rehabilitation Specialists (VRT, O&M, TCVI) are uniquely trained to understand the impact of vision loss on daily functioning. And yet, the number of Certified Low Vision Therapists (CLVTs) in Michigan remains low. This lecture will highlight the value of low vision therapy training for the vision rehabilitation professional. We will explore the importance of low vision assessment and training, emphasizing the impact low vision has on daily living skills, mobility, and technology. By understanding and addressing low vision needs through appropriate assessment, device recommendation and training, blind rehabilitation specialists can have more of an impact and provide a broader scope of services to those in need.

Presented by Kelcie Douglas and Dr. Elyse Connors

APH’s Monarch Multiline Braille Device with Tactile Graphics, An Overview

The Monarch is a multiline braille device capable of displaying tactile graphics. Graphics can be directly accessed through the APH Tactile Graphic Image Library or downloaded graphics made by YOU! This session explores this device’s features with a tutorial on accessing and making quick, easily accessible tactile graphics.

Presented by April Makley and Jen Awad


Navigating the World of Ocular Motor, Session 2  

This session will discuss accommodations and assistive technology that are often helpful for students with ocular motor impairments, and how to tell which is right for your student. We will also discuss challenges that often arise when considering TVI service for ocular motor, and considerations that may guide your decision making. 

Presented by Sarah Stargardt and Sally Perry

Barlow Initiative: Traffic Engineering and Orientation and Mobility: Cultivating Collaboration. Workshop – all day 8:00am-4:45pm

LOW Vision Therapy, HIGH Impact: Essentials for the blind rehabilitation specialist (Part II) 

Workshop (60min) Participants will learn the parts of an appropriate functional vision assessment, and what resources to include in a low vision kit for assessment and device exploration/training. You will leave with a clear understanding of what goes into an “FVA,” and what your dream low vision kit could include. We encourage participants to share experiences from the field, in order to create a dynamic discussion and workshop environment.

Presented by Kelcie Douglas and Dr. Elyse Connors